
dcb — Data Center Bridging Settings


Table 48. 

Key Name Value Type Default Value Value Description
NMSettingDcbFlags (uint32)
Specifies the NMSettingDcbFlags for the DCB FCoE application. Flags may be any combination of 0x1 (enable), 0x2 (advertise), and 0x4 (willing).
The FCoE controller mode; either "fabric" or "vn2vn". Since 1.34, NULL is the default and means "fabric". Before 1.34, NULL was rejected as invalid and the default was "fabric".
The highest User Priority (0 - 7) which FCoE frames should use, or -1 for default priority. Only used when the "app-fcoe-flags" property includes the 0x1 (enable) flag.
NMSettingDcbFlags (uint32)
Specifies the NMSettingDcbFlags for the DCB FIP application. Flags may be any combination of 0x1 (enable), 0x2 (advertise), and 0x4 (willing).
The highest User Priority (0 - 7) which FIP frames should use, or -1 for default priority. Only used when the "app-fip-flags" property includes the 0x1 (enable) flag.
NMSettingDcbFlags (uint32)
Specifies the NMSettingDcbFlags for the DCB iSCSI application. Flags may be any combination of 0x1 (enable), 0x2 (advertise), and 0x4 (willing).
The highest User Priority (0 - 7) which iSCSI frames should use, or -1 for default priority. Only used when the "app-iscsi-flags" property includes the 0x1 (enable) flag.
array of uint32
An array of 8 uint values, where the array index corresponds to the User Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates the percentage of bandwidth of the priority's assigned group that the priority may use. The sum of all percentages for priorities which belong to the same group must total 100 percents.
array of uint32
An array of 8 boolean values, where the array index corresponds to the User Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates whether or not the corresponding priority should transmit priority pause.
NMSettingDcbFlags (uint32)
Specifies the NMSettingDcbFlags for DCB Priority Flow Control (PFC). Flags may be any combination of 0x1 (enable), 0x2 (advertise), and 0x4 (willing).
array of uint32
An array of 8 uint values, where the array index corresponds to the Priority Group ID (0 - 7) and the value indicates the percentage of link bandwidth allocated to that group. Allowed values are 0 - 100, and the sum of all values must total 100 percents.
NMSettingDcbFlags (uint32)
Specifies the NMSettingDcbFlags for DCB Priority Groups. Flags may be any combination of 0x1 (enable), 0x2 (advertise), and 0x4 (willing).
array of uint32
An array of 8 uint values, where the array index corresponds to the User Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates the Priority Group ID. Allowed Priority Group ID values are 0 - 7 or 15 for the unrestricted group.
array of uint32
An array of 8 boolean values, where the array index corresponds to the User Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates whether or not the priority may use all of the bandwidth allocated to its assigned group.
array of uint32
An array of 8 uint values, where the array index corresponds to the User Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates the traffic class (0 - 7) to which the priority is mapped.