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org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.WifiP2PPeerorg.freedesktop.NetworkManager.WifiP2PPeer — Wi-Fi P2P Peer. |
Name readable s Flags readable u Manufacturer readable s Model readable s ModelNumber readable s Serial readable s WfdIEs readable ay HwAddress readable s Strength readable y LastSeen readable i
Flags readable u
Flags describing the capabilities of the access point.
Returns: NM80211ApFlags
Since 1.16
Manufacturer readable s
The manufacturer of the Wi-Fi P2P peer.
Since 1.16
ModelNumber readable s
The model number of the Wi-Fi P2P peer.
Since 1.16
WfdIEs readable ay
The Wi-Fi Display Information Elements of the Wi-Fi P2P peer.
Since 1.16
HwAddress readable s
The hardware address (BSSID) of the access point.
Since 1.16
Strength readable y
The current signal quality of the access point, in percent.
Since 1.16