
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Vxlan — VXLAN Device.


Parent      readable   o
HwAddress   readable   s
Id          readable   u
Group       readable   s
Local       readable   s
Tos         readable   y
Ttl         readable   y
Learning    readable   b
Ageing      readable   u
Limit       readable   u
DstPort     readable   q
SrcPortMin  readable   q
SrcPortMax  readable   q
Proxy       readable   b
Rsc         readable   b
L2miss      readable   b
L3miss      readable   b


Property Details

The "Parent" property

Parent  readable   o

The object path of the parent device (if the VXLAN is not purely internal to this host).

The "HwAddress" property

HwAddress  readable   s

Hardware address of the device. n DEPRECATED. Use the "HwAddress" property in "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device" instead which exists since version NetworkManager 1.24.0.

The "Id" property

Id  readable   u

The VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI).

The "Group" property

Group  readable   s

The IP (v4 or v6) multicast group used to communicate with other physical hosts on this VXLAN.

The "Local" property

Local  readable   s

The local IPv4 or IPv6 address to use when sending VXLAN packets to other physical hosts.

The "Tos" property

Tos  readable   y

The value to use in the IP ToS field for VXLAN packets sent to other physical hosts.

The "Ttl" property

Ttl  readable   y

The value to use in the IP TTL field for VXLAN packets sent to other physical hosts.

The "Learning" property

Learning  readable   b

True if the VXLAN dynamically learns remote IP addresses.

The "Ageing" property

Ageing  readable   u

The interval in seconds at which the kernel purges stale cached addresses.

The "Limit" property

Limit  readable   u

The maximum number of entries that can be added to the VXLAN's forwarding table.

The "DstPort" property

DstPort  readable   q

Destination port for outgoing VXLAN packets.

The "SrcPortMin" property

SrcPortMin  readable   q

The lowest source port number to use for outgoing VXLAN packets.

The "SrcPortMax" property

SrcPortMax  readable   q

The highest source port number to use for outgoing VXLAN packets.

The "Proxy" property

Proxy  readable   b

True if the VXLAN is implementing DOVE ARP proxying for remote clients.

The "Rsc" property

Rsc  readable   b

True if the VXLAN is implementing DOVE route short-circuiting of known remote IP addresses.

The "L2miss" property

L2miss  readable   b

True if the VXLAN will emit netlink notifications of L2 switch misses.

The "L3miss" property

L3miss  readable   b

True if the VXLAN will emit netlink notifications of L3 switch misses.