NetworkManager 1.40

What's new

This is the announcement for the new 1.40.0 NetworkManager release. The tarball can be found on our download page page.

This release comes a bit more than 3 months after 1.38.0 release and contains about 600 patches from 29 contributors.

See the NEWS file for a list of noteworthy changes and some highlights below.

Flecky welcomes NetworkManager

nmcli Offline Commands

nmcli now supports an --offline flag, which can process connection profiles in keyfile format without requiring the NetworkManager daemon.

Using NetworkManager is all about connection profiles, which represent a networking configuration of one interface. Alongside other UIs, the nmcli connection subcommand allows to show, create, delete and modify profiles. Until now, those operations were always talking to the NetworkManager daemon via the D-Bus API.

On disk, profiles get persisted in NetworkManager’s keyfile format as documented in the nm-settings-keyfile manual. The user directly can modify those files under /{usr/lib,etc,run}/NetworkManager/system-connections.

nmcli now got a flag to directly output and consume keyfile format.

For example, nmcli --offline connection add ... takes the same arguments as the regular add command, but instead of telling NetworkManager to add the profile it prints the profile in keyfile format to stdout.

Likewise, cat "$FILE" | nmcli --offline connection modify ... will read the profile from stdin, modify it, and print the result to stdout.

This allows nmcli to be used as command line tool for generating and editing keyfile profiles.

# NetworkManager will require the file to be unaccessible to non-root users,
# that is, `chmod 600`
umask 077

# Generate a profile in keyfile format.
nmcli --offline connection add type ethernet con-name my-profile \
  | tee /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/my-profile.nmconnection

# Modify a profile in keyfile format.
nmcli --offline connection modify connection.mptcp-flags enabled,signal \
   < /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/my-profile.nmconnection \
   | tee /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/my-profile.nmconnection~

mv /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/my-profile.nmconnection~ \

# After modifying files on disk, we need to tell NetworkManager about
# it.
nmcli connection reload

MPTCP Support

Multipath TCP (MPTCP) is an extension of TCP. Good introductions can be found on Davide Caratti’s (*), Andrea Claudi’s (*) or Christian Horn’s (*) blogs.

NetworkManager can now do endpoint management for MPTCP. Endpoints are IP addresses that can be announced or used for additional subflows. Those can be configured manually with iproute2’s ip mptcp endpoint command or automatically by the mptcpd daemon. NetworkManager now also automatically configures endpoints, similar to mptcpd’s address notification feature.

MPTCP can be enabled/disabled in kernel via the /proc/sys/net/mptcp/enabled sysctl. There are also limits in kernel that control how subflows get created. See iproute2’s ip mptcp limits command. NetworkManager will neither enabled/disable the MPTCP sysctl or adjust those limits. These settings are considered host configuration, which the administrator is supposed to set up or the distribution ships with sensible defaults.

Each NetworkManager profile has now a new property connection.mptcp-flags which controls MPTCP handling. In particular, this flags property allows to enable/disable MPTCP handling or select the address flags that are used when configuring endpoint (see signal, subflow, backup, or fullmesh in man ip-mptcp). If MPTCP handling for an active profile is enabled, NetworkManager will configure the IP addresses as endpoints, using the specified address flags.

Most interesting is that the user doesn’t actually need to set connection.mptcp-flags. By leaving the flags at the default, MPTCP handling will be automatically used based on whether MPTCP is enabled the /proc/sys/net/mptcp/enabled sysctl.

If you run the new NetworkManager, you can see the configured endpoints with ip mptcp endpoint command.

Note that NetworkManager now performs a similar task as mptcpd does. If you have mptcpd running, you may want to either disable mptcpd or NetworkManager’s MPTCP handling. You can do that by either setting the connection.mptcp-flags per profile, or by configuring the global connection defaults in a file /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/95-no-mptcp.conf that contains

# Configure a global connection default for the per-profile setting
# "connection.mptcp-flags". 0x1 means "disabled".

Also be aware that a strict rp_filter breaks MPTCP use-cases. So if MPTCP handling on an interface is enabled, NetworkManager will relax a strict setting (“1”) to loose reverse path filtering (“2”).

See the nm-settings manual for details.

Read DHCP lease from file

When NetworkManager does DHCP, the user can get the lease information via the D-Bus API. For example, nmcli -f all device show eth0 will show that information.

Now this information is also written to a state file, and can be fetched from there.

The files /run/NetworkManager/devices/$IFINDEX contain now [dhcp4] and [dhcp6] sections, where $IFINDEX is the index of the interface as kernel knows it. You can find the ifindex via ip link command.

There is a new profile setting to enable IPv4 link local addresses. Previously, IPv4LL could only be configured via ipv4.method=link-local. Now, link local can be configured in addition to manual addresses or auto/DHCP.


Many thanks to all contributors who provided feedback, ideas or patches.

Adrian Freihofer, Alex Henrie, Ana Cabral, Andrew Zaborowski, Antonio Alvarez Feijoo, Beniamino Galvani, Christian Glombek, David Bauer, David Rheinsberg, Dominique Martinet, Dylan Van Assche, Fernando Fernandez Mancera, Georg Müller, Igor Ponomarev, Lubomir Rintel, Martin Blanchard, NorwayFun, Olivier Gayot, Ryosuke YASUOKA, Slava Monich, Thomas Haller, Vojtech Bubela, Wen Liang, Yi Zhao, Yuri Chornoivan, avery, bluikko, liaohanqin, 谢致邦 (XIE Zhibang)

Also thanks to our Quality Engineers from Red Hat for all the testing.

Vladimír Beneš, Filip Pokryvka, David Jasa and Matej Berezny.

Join us on our GitLab project.

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